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المواضيع الأخيرة
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» وظائف شاغرة فى الصحف القطرية الاثنين 09-10-2017
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» وظائف شاغرة فى جريدة القدس فلسطين الاربعاء 04-10-2017
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شاطر | 

 وظائف شركة الإمارات لتموين الطائرات

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 22727
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/04/2011

وظائف شركة الإمارات لتموين الطائرات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: وظائف شركة الإمارات لتموين الطائرات   وظائف شركة الإمارات لتموين الطائرات Emptyالجمعة 13 يوليو - 19:13

مكان العمل
شركة الإمارات لتموين الطائرات
Senior Engineer

This position is within the Engineering department.


1. Assume the daily responsibilities and ensure that all the maintenance requirements have been completed in a proper, efficient and timely manner.
2. Supervise and monitor the performance of staff.
3. Advise Asst. Engineering Manager on all aspects of Maintenance requirements.
4. Assign/distribute all the maintenance requests to the concerned people and, recommend and approve the daily spare parts purchase list.
5. Prepare and submit the preventive maintenance schedules for equipment and vehicles and ensure that it is being followed.
6. Ensure that all safety precautions and company rules are adhered to in the maintenance workshop.
7. Ensure that assigned staff are professionally supervised and trained.
8. Apply the Quality Policy and Quality System.


Holder of an Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering from a recognized university.


1. Supervise and correct the performance of all staff under his supervision.
2. Prepare a preventive maintenance schedule.
3. Approve to purchase spare parts and material (purchased locally)
4. Check purchased major spare parts.
5. Order overseas .

Minimum 5-8 years’ experience in similar position.


Human Resources Assistant
This position is within the Recruitment and Employee Relations function of the Human Resources
1. To provide administrative support to the Recruitment and Employee Relations department.
2. Coordination of the recruitment selection process to include screening candidates, scheduling
interviews and providing feedback to candidates.
3. Assist in the administration of recruitment assessment centres.
4. Responsible for the administration of candidate mobilisation.
5. Support in maintaining personnel files and ERP records, processing, employment applications
and disciplinary records.
6. Co-ordinate the process of investigation and exit interviews with departments.
7. Support management by ensuring probation reviews for newly recruited and promoted staff are carried out and information is recorded on personnel files.
8. Coordinate the administration of appraisals.
9. Responsible for the administration of on-boarding of new employees.
10. Communicate with Line Managers, Training, Service Centre, Housing Departments the relevant
information regarding new employees starts dates.
11. Respond to adhoc reporting and administrative requests from the Recruitment and Employee
Relations team.
12. Comply with the Company Occupational Health & Safety Policy.
1. Degree or Diploma in Human Resources or Equivalent Qualification.
2. Proficient in Microsoft Office Packages.
3. High standards of verbal and written communication.
4. Previous experience in working in a Human Resources administrative role.
5. Excellent attention to detail and accuracy.
1. Demonstrated ability to maintain constructive relationships with others.
2. High level of commitment to continuous improvement and adaptability to change.
3. Supports creativity and innovation by showing commitment to agreed initiatives.
Should have minimum 2 years’ experience in providing administrative support and should be familiar with HR Policies and procedures.


Secretary – Food and Beverage Airport
This position is within the Food and Beverage Airport department.

1. Responsible for providing secretarial support including the preparation of correspondence,
Presentations and reports.
2. Develop and manage client relations.
3. Prepare agendas and minutes of meetings.
4. Responsible for preparing periodic reports.
5. Responsible for implementing safe working practices and procedures in accordance with EKFC policies.

1. Higher school certificate of equivalent.
2. Show willingness to work in accordance with company policy.
3. Have experience handling confidential matters/situations.
4. Advanced computer literacy in the Microsoft Office Suite.
5. Strong attention to detail.
6. Highest standard of personal presentation and excellent written and verbal communication
7. The ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines and achieve results.

1. Completion of a diploma level or secretarial course.
2. Proficiency in ERP with exposure in database management.

Minimum 3 to 4 years’ experience in a secretarial or administrative role.

إرسال السيره الذاتيه

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

وظائف شركة الإمارات لتموين الطائرات

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 

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