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 Things to Identify in Yourself in an Interview

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Asmaa Hasan

عدد المساهمات : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/01/2013

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مُساهمةموضوع: Things to Identify in Yourself in an Interview   Things to Identify in Yourself in an Interview Emptyالإثنين 10 يوليو - 16:46

Things to Identify in Yourself in an Interview Ext10

Things to Identify in Yourself in an Interview

When you are looking for a new job, scoring an interview is a cause for excitement. Once scheduled, it's time to review your resume and prepare yourself to make the best possible impression. Keep in mind that during your interview, you'll want to emphasize the skills and experience you have that will benefit the company

Focus on Your Strengths

You'll want to highlight your character strengths and work ethic during your interview, notes the State of Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations website. For example, if you haven't missed a day of work in the last year, let the interviewer know. Similarly, you might want to note that you complete all tasks assigned to you on schedule. Furthermore, remember that even the goals you set for yourself are strengths if you can document the progress you made toward reaching them. For instance, if you advanced from a junior to senior position in your current company within a short time frame, you might want to mention that this was one of your goals. Other important strengths might include your ability to work as a team member, or the leadership abilities you developed over your working career

Emphasize Your Skills

You'll also want to emphasize specific skills you have that apply to the job you're seeking. While you might have to overcome an ingrained feeling of embarrassment when it comes to singing your own praises, remind yourself that you are the person most qualified to present the skills and knowledge that you can bring to your new employer. While your resume grabbed your prospective employer's interest, it's up to you to take it to the next level to convince your interviewer that you are the perfect candidate for the position. Skills you might want to highlight include specific technical knowledge and any certifications you have that document those skills

Don't Hide Your Enthusiasm

Demonstrate your interest in the company by letting the interviewer know that you did your homework and know something about the company and the position. Of course, to do this, you actually will need to do some research ahead of time. You might search for articles about the company online, visit the company website, as well as talk to friends and colleagues who are familiar with the company. Once you're equipped with knowledge of the company's direction, you can point out to the interviewer how you share a similar vision -- and how your qualifications are suited for the direction in which the company is headed

Discuss Your Education

Your educational accomplishments may be a key factor in landing a job. Make sure all the information you provide on your resume or curriculum vitae is accurate. Savvy interviewers know how to ask questions to reveal inconsistencies in the information you provide. For example, if you earned a graduate degree, make sure you tell the interviewer how you educational accomplishments will make you an asset to the company, while remaining consistent with what you listed on your resume and application. If you received any awards, or if you had a particularly high grade point average, you should mention these facts as well

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Things to Identify in Yourself in an Interview

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